Saturday, May 5, 2007

this is what i look like in iran


doug said...

is that a member's only jacket?

Unknown said...

all your hair is hanging out. I can see your sex!!! seriously though, what is that even covering b/c it's not doing a very good job.

Can we get a full body shot of the member's only jacket?

Hossein Derakhshan said...

How can one contact you, Tara?

Hossein Entekhabi said...

I live in Iran and study in Boston. I have a good understanding of both cultures and i have decided to take the high road and live in Iran. Your comments about Tehran are interesting but i feel you dont explore it as much. When you say Tehran is filthy, i dont know if you are comparing it to beverly hills or cairo. For your info Tehran is actually kept clean compared to other cities in other parts of the world. I have been to many countries and i found the "filthy" comment very odd. However i agree with your traffic observation. But for your own good experience go deeper in the city. Go to the underground rock concerts or the the Jazz house, Khaneye honarmandan and meet interesting people that live there and are more talented than me and you.
Good luck